As the world continues to expand the emerging technology capabilities, the demand for agencies to implement a comprehensive security program from cradle to grave becomes imperative. The civil sector is one area that PI would love to bring its capabilities and expertise to help with establishing policies, procedures, and standards needed to meet its security objective.
Practical Intelligence has provided the DoD and IC support for over the last 11+ years. Our service offerings include information assurance, cybersecurity, RMF, IT Support, data analytics, and program management. As we continue to expand our footprint within the department, PI can adapt to any environment and affect change to improve the processes and achieve mission success.
Practical Intelligence was awarded the Maryland Department of Transportation Minority Business Enterprise, Disadvantage Business Enterprise, and Small Business Enterprise certifications. Our goal is to leverage our information assurance consulting expertise to assist the state and local government with enhancing their overall security infrastructure. Today’s networks are challenged daily by internal and external threats, our team can evaluate the risks and recommend a solution that will reduce the risk to an acceptable level.